- 020 7610 0101
- fulhamdentist@gmail.com
- 94 Lillie Road, London SW6 7SR
020 7610 0101
020 7610 0101
Root canal can be an option if the nerve becomes infected. This infection can occur due to tooth decay, trauma or a crack in the tooth and if left untreated, can cause severe pain.
Most patients will feel little discomfort throughout the root canal procedure. Patients should only feel a little bit of pressure similar to what they would get when having a filling in most situations.
A root canal begins with the dentist applying a local anaesthetic to numb the surrounding tooth area. After the anaesthetic has taken affect, they will use a dental drill to remove the diseased portions of the tooth. This procedure includes not just removing sections of teeth composed of bone and enamel, but also the pulp and “root canal” region at its core.
After the centre of the tooth has been hollowed out, a highly specialised filling material is used to fill the empty space. Finally, depending on how much of the outer tooth layer was destroyed, a crown or onlay will be used to seal off and restore the chewing surface. In most cases, patients will receive a temporary crown or dental onlay placed during their root canal treatment. They will then need to come back in a few weeks for the permanent piece to be installed.
When dental X-rays reveal that the pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection, endodontic therapy is required. If bacteria infect the pulp, it might inflame and allow them to multiply and spread. The symptoms of a pulp inflammation include painful eating or drinking hot or cold food and beverages.
A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that relieves the pain of an infected or abscessed tooth. The inflamed pulp is removed during the root canal procedure. The inside of the tooth’s surfaces are then cleaned and disinfected, and a filling is placed to seal the gap.
When the dentist removes the infected pulp and nerve in the root of a tooth, cleans and shapes the inside of the root canal, then fills and seals the space, it is called a root canal. A crown will be placed over your tooth to protect and restore it to its original purpose afterward.
Your restored tooth should no longer be painful after your last treatment, although it may feel sore for a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can help you relax any discomfort. If you’re still feeling pain or swelling after taking painkillers, see your dentist again.